Special link: Click on the photo above to watch the trailer of the shooting
Opèra d' Amour(i).
When love becomes a theatral play
A styled shooting editorial which meant to be an inviation to re-discover Sicilian traditions, reconnect with Nature and bring to life strong eternal values, such as love between human beings, beyond their religions, skin colors and believes.
A piece of sicilian culture - full of art collections and antiques - reintepreted in a modern, actual key, and translated in a contemporary design.
Style inspiration
Inspired by the work of the "I Pupi Siciliani" - Sicilian puppets (recognised as a Unesco oral heritage), which tells the story of the Paladins of France, or rather the war between the Franks and the Moors, and which is meant to praise the values of the knights as opposed to the barbarity of the hordes of invaders, this shoot is meant to be a hymn to true values, such as love.
Love the true one that includes (i.e., "takes - with" in). The one that goes beyond appearances and religious and political beliefs.
To love that unites and enriches and fills with joy those who experience it firsthand
but also those who observe it.
After almost 3 years of the pandemic, another threat to humanity arrives: war. The war between the "great ones of the earth," the one that is even scarier and distances us even further from the covid. Therefore this shoting was mandatory to me as real, sincere inviation to human beings on being kind and love each other, now more than never before.

Sicily, for centuries conquered by several populations - Phoenicians, Byzantines, Greeks, Arabs, Normans, Spanish, French - has always been the cradle of different cultures, and integration among peoples. a land where you can always feel welcome.

Shooting location and owner's passione
The shooting was taken inside a private collection of Sicilian puppets - belonging to Conca d' oro Viaggi. Since he was young, the owner of the travel agency was very passionated about "I Pupi siciliani" and fascinated by the stories of the French Paladins. So he started collecting puppets along the years and now he has more than 1 thousand. The place is truly fascinating! Among his collection, you can find very antique puppets, made with fine wood and finishes by ancient Sicilian craftsmen from the 1800s. The owner of the puppets colletion, is not a "puparo" - the storytelelr during the play - however his passion is so strong that he learn the paladins' stories - as it used to be in the past being an oral tradition and knowlodge. Within his private collection, he built a puppets' theatre, where periodically he holds shows to keep alive the traditions of the Pupi Sicilaini and pass on its knowledge to future generations, in the hope that we all could learn the true values of humanity and love from the ancient stories of Carlo Magno and his Paladins of France.

Let´s explore some details together
Speaking about integration and love between human beings, we chose two women as models and therefore wanted to represent a same sex love, which goes beyond conventions.
Their marriage was designed as if it were a play.
Also beacuse a marriage, in general, is an "opera" / a "master piece" of love, com-prehension, integration, isnt'it?
For the backdrop of the exchange of vows, we used drapes and ropes, reminiscent of the marquees and ropes typical of 18th century theatres.
The stationary has unusual formats for a wedding, and therefore more similar to the pamphlets of plays. The menu is a fold-out, which opens after untying a string, just as if one were opening the curtain of a theatre.
Even the names of the courses "First curse", "Secodn courses" and s on, have been replaced by the names, in French, of the plays 'first act', 'second act' etc.
As with all plays, we wanted to give Rodomonte and Angelique's marriage a title as well: Opèra d'Amour(i).
In French, referring to the "Chanson d'Amour" from the "Orlando Furioso" play, and playing with the spelling and the assonance with our company name, Amuri.

The look
The two women of this styled shoot have the same names of two female figure of the "Chanson d'amour" of the "Orlando furioso".
On one side we have Doralice, princess of the Saracens in the "Opera dei Pupi", who in our shoot we wanted to represent in contrast with the play, by choosing a blond woman, full of tattoos, small in stature but with a masculine character.
On the other side Angelique - the main female figure in "Orlando Furioso" and princess de paladins of France - who again instead of being fair-skinned and blond, is instead tall, dark-haired, more shapely and with a Middle-East Indian features.
A suit for Doralice, to enhance her tatoos, but stilettos and a veil to emphasize her femininity.
Tight Hollywood waves for her short hair and earrings that recall the shields of the paladins from the puppet opera.
While for Angelique, a dress with a balconette top to enhance her shape, bronze appliques, in line with the armors of the paladins of the puppet opera. Tulle skirt short in front and longer in back, vintage ankle boots and a short jacket. Because she is a bit vintage but also modern.
It´s a continuous game of contrasts and typical conventions, turned upside down because in Opera d´Amouri what triumphs is love!

OPÈRA D'AMOUR(I): a styled shoot designed, created and concepted by AMURI - EVENTS & WEDDING PLANNER
Special thanks to:
Photographers Carla Pagano and Salvatore Aielloo; videoographer Elite Memories; Flower designer Paolo Papa Eventi; Bridal dress atelier Rosa Alessi; accessories I Monili; Make-up and Hairstyle Gaia Gaudesi and Carla Forestieri; Stationery Elenoiret; Venue Conca d'Oro Viaggi.
Don't miss the trailer! Click here.