Getting married in Italy: Legal requirements?
If you’re planning to get married in Sicily, there are a few things to look out for from a legal perspective. As part of Italy, Sicily requires you to provide papers and documents prior to the wedding, depending on the type of ceremony, nationality or religion.
We are going to give you an overview of what legal aspects you should consider when planning your wedding in Sicily. We are an experienced wedding and event planning agency based in Sicily that knows everything there’s to know about destination weddings.

What are the legal requirements to get married in Italy?
Legal residency is not required to get married in Italy, so you can have your wedding in Italy without actually living here. You are still required to provide all the papers that certify your identity plus some additional paperwork that state there’s no legal impediment to your marriage.
Depending on your religion, additional documents may be required.
There might be additional paperwork also depending on your nationality. In order to legally marry both parties need to be 18 years old. Younger couples need parental consent.
What documents do you need to get married in Italy?
Paperwork and documents may vary depending on your citizenship. This needs to be handled on an individual basis to make sure that all legal requirements are fulfilled. Generally speaking, these are the documents you require for a civil or religious wedding in Italy for both parties:
Passport or ID card
Original birth certificates
If you have been married before, divorce papers or death certificate
Certificate of No Impediment (Nulla Osta or Dichiarazione Giurata), stating that the couple has the right to be married
Atto Notorio, a document signed by two witnesses further stating there’s no legal impediment to your marriage
Declaration of intent to marry for the civil registrar
Italy recognises religious weddings from all faiths, including Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu religions. Most people in Italy are Catholic and if you’re celebrating a Catholic wedding, in addition to the above-mentioned civil paperwork, you may need:
A certificate stating you’re baptised
A certificate stating you received a confirmation
A letter of no impediment to marry
A document confirming you followed a premarital course
A document from your local bishop confirming you’re allowed to get married abroad
Consider that these documents must then be legalised and then translated into Italian in order to be accepted.

Getting married in Italy: How does it work?
Consider that each wedding should be planned based on the couples’ nationalities, religions, and legal requirements, so there can’t be a one-size-fits-all approach to organising your destination wedding in Italy. Below, a general overview of how the process of getting married in Italy might look like step by step:
Contact your home country’s consulate in Italy
The first step is getting in touch with the consulate of your home country, which will advise you on how to proceed further.
Submit your declaration of intent to marry
Then, you need to submit your declaration of intent to marry to the local marriage office in the city’s town hall where your marriage will be performed. If you don’t speak Italian, make sure you have an interpreter with you.
Prepare any religious paperwork
If you’re having a religious ceremony, make sure you submit any paperwork two months prior to your wedding date.
Marriage licence
You'll sign your legal marriage license at your wedding and you’ll receive an official marriage certificate by the mayor in the municipality where you marry.
Marriage certificate
You will have to bring your marriage certificate to the town hall again after the wedding. Here, you’ll get an Apostille stamp which will verify the document. You should also receive a translated copy in English of the certificate.
Planning your wedding with Amuri
Do you need support for your wedding in Sicily? Let us help you! You can choose how much we should get involved: Scouting locations for you? Talking with local suppliers? We are here for you. Amuri can help you realise your dream wedding from start to finish. We are a team of expert wedding and event organisers whose dream is to let you experience Sicily the best way possible. Get in touch — the first consultation is on us!
First consultation is on us!